It’s shameful I’ve read only 2. I totally have a love/hate relationship with lists like this, but taking this as an opportunity to dig back into reading. Parenthood definitely slowed down my personal reading for a while, during the time when naps stopped and my kid learned to read. Now there’s finally some space and time for my own reading choices again, it’s great. Thanks for recommendations, Sara!

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I clicked on the link and remembered you have to sign up to read NYT! I will check out your recommends though!

It would be really cool if you did a book club for loners, even if it was just two books a year (one from you and one from Tegan) and we could all read it and share our thoughts I

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I have read a total amount of 2 (two) books from this list! Lol, I love reading but I have low attention span so I need to be really interested. I shamelessly abandoned so many books because I just couldn't get into them. I keep track of my reading on Goodreads, do you use an app to keep track and rate books??

Funny you posted this, I JUST started a book club for my podcast and our first read was We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I highly recommend it and I will definitely check out the list you posted.

Thanks for sharing, Sara!

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I have read a number of these, but not as much as I’d like, which makes me feel ashamed about being an English teacher and researcher, but then again somehow we’re still stuck in the 20th century. What surprised me and kind of upset me about myself is that my cousin gifted me Pulphead ten years ago and I just shelved it without even attempting to read it. Maybe I should read all those books I just ignored. I remember spending SO LONG reading Wolf Hall. I also remember disliking Oscar Wao while everyone in my Modern World Lit class loved it. Thanks for sharing, Sara!

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Thanks for the list!! As someone who does a lot of writing in their free time, it'll be nice just to relax and read for a bit, lately it's harder and harder to make time for myself, but what better way than reading a book and unplugging for a bit?

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also the goldfitch is terrible and so is Less...and they both one Piulitzers...actually Mailer executioner song is also terrible..also a pulitzer so i hate pulitzer in 21 century

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omg i have not looked at this in over a year..the substack thing..going to start going through it now..you introduced me to norman mailer..and he has been really good..then really bad..but the good outdid the bad.

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Sara! Tnx 4 sharing! Books R THE BEST. I just came from Comic Con and bring some little treasure, a Manga Collection that my ex girlfriend suggest me decades ago "BLAME!", so its kind of sad because she left but in some way its special. Also some old Lois Lane XD. Meeting my heroes trying to reach the industry etc. I'm finishing some Good books from B&N The final Girl Support, starting also Dead Silence. BTW making a new page of my own comic while listening to you. And: Waiting for your new books!!! Love T&S FOR-EVER"! XD (sorry for the fandom kind of comment) Tegan please tell Sara to make more videos! :)

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Ok so I've only read 3 of these but I feel like you cheated with the 71 since you said you regularly get recommendations from the NYT. It's like trying all the donuts at Dunkin and then getting excited when they announce their top 10 because you've tried them all.... Does this make sense? Now I want a donut and need to add more of these to my reading q.


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Nerd excitement level 10

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Sounds fun.

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I admire you for being a bookworm and have always wondered how you (and Tegan) read so much. Growing up I could never finish a book, ever, unless it’s something I’m really interested in like self-growth/improvement/development and personal finance. As an avid reader, how do you stay motivated and engaged? Reading physical books usually makes me sleepy, I can’t stay focused, and/or it feels daunting, so I opt for audiobooks. Will check your two recs on Audible.

Sara for Book Club President! 🗳️ I can listen you talk about all the things you love and never get bored. Video posts > voice notes any day.

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Just saw this! I love books, I love physical books. I'd love more book related posts! Nerd out.✌️🤓📚

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Atonement is the only book on the list that I've read. I'm not the biggest reader. I do go through phases of reading a lot and not reading at all.

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Hey Sara,

Thanks for posting! And giving us a video! Sometimes I like to watch you guys talk to me.

I’ll admit, I don’t read much mainstream stuff, the books I read are very niche stuff (mostly 2SLGBTQIA+ stuff). When I find an author I like I read (listen in my case) all their books. I’ve actually read none of the books on that list, I’ve heard of the some of the titles and authors though. There were some title’s that peaked my interest when I went through the list.

I love Jules Machias (sorry I think I spelled their lastname wrong), I love their book ‘Both can be true’ especially. It’s set to a middle school (as you guys refer to it) audience, but it’s definitely worth reading! So is their other book ‘Fight + Flight’.

As for bragging, I didn’t really see it as bragging, just like I don’t feel weird admitting to my 0% score. And even if it is bragging, it’s pretty harmless to brag about books.

Sorry I was a day later responding, I’ve had a lot going on this week.

Thanks for sharing Sara! I think you guys are back on tour again, if I’m right I hope you’re having fun!

Phoenix, he/they/it, 17, Australia

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Unfortunately, I don't read that many books. It's not my passion. I paint and do many, many crafts, projects and watch sports. Sara, I totally respect your passion of reading books and other word type things. I love you no matter what. Lol!! Happy reading and strive for reading next year's 100.

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