👀 not Tegan saying "good coffee" w evidence of day old Dunkins in the fridge. 😄 Just throwing this into the wind but please don't get sick on the Atl October show 🤞. Take all the meds w u lol. So excited for the tour! Hope you both have the most fun yet touring!!

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Omg I feel like I wrote this post myself lol, I'm leaving today for Montreal! My friends and I are going to almost every show on this first leg of the tour to see you guys and I just went through a process of days packing and cleaning. The way each item has its place in different bags, I feel so seen lol!! Thanks for sharing, I hope you didn't forget anything important and that you have a great time! I can't wait ❤️

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hope you've been having fun at the shows!!!

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Omg! So jealous (😂) that you’ll get to see so many T&S shows! If I could transport myself there I totally would! (For context I live in Australia and I’m 16 so I really can’t!) I need to start saving!

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Hahah I wish teleporting was a real thing!! But yes, I highly recommend start saving now!

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What an experience it will be, enjoy it deby.

Say hi to them on my behalf.

oh wait it's Substack, I can tell em personally.

Hi guys!


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Lol thank you!!

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Hi Tegan, speaking of the tour you mentioned in your post I just saw you in Toronto and you looked at me and smiled (I was in the very first row really short with white/blonde hair). I know you don’t know who I am because I can’t come to all your shows as I don’t have the funds or the mental strength to do all the traveling but you mean so much to me and I just want to say thank you for making me feel seen when I felt so alone and lonely in the room full of people. This feels weird/vulnerable to post on a public platform but I couldn’t think of another way to let you know haha. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful night and I hope the rest of your tour goes amazingly.

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I DID SEE YOU!!!!! Thank you for coming to the show!!! I hope you had fun! And we so appreciate you coming out to see us. I hope you felt some connection and community to the fellow fans around you.

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PS I love how you still forgot the lyrics even with the teleprompter. Never ever change being your wonderful self.

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I mean!.....lollll

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As someone who both LOVES packing (this autistic loves their systems of efficiency and puzzles🥲), but I hate the "gathering"/remembering phase just before solely bc it makes me anxious and a weeeeeee neurotic. But that's mostly bc it's for things that are different every time. I love love love this meticulous walk-through. It's like pr0n. Lol, censorship for the youngins who found you via Junior High. (Fantastic btw. Can't wait for the follow-up.)

P.S. I know you guys don't have as much of am opportunity to voice record on the road but I love when you do. Feels more like a short voice memo from a friend, but I just like "audio with captions" as a medium.

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Yes, it's hard to do on the road. But I could try just recording voice notes for the next post! I know we need to stay consistent with the voice recordings! Thank you for being understanding.

And glad you're enjoying JH!!!

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Hey Tegan,

(Me editing- in my comment I really get into it about my gender dysphoria because I went on a trip recently and the stuff about packing brought up stuff I’d been thinking about. It felt good to write. It is quite heavy though so if anyone’s reading this who’s also struggling with GD then either don’t read or read carefully. I doubt anyone’ll see this but thought I’d put the disclaimer anyway, begin!)

I love this post, I found it very interesting! I love hearing about clothes and packing for tour more than I thought I would when I first started listening.

As a trans teen clothes have always been a bit hard for me. Right now (at 16) I’m stuck in a body that doesn’t match me, so trying to find clothes that match me has become increasingly harder as puberty starts changing my body more and more. I’ve always loved to wear jeans, all the genders that I switch between like them, but the gender dysphoria I have around my hips is getting worse as the growing pains remind me how big they’re getting every day. (Did either you or Sara have growing pains and or stretch marks when you were going through puberty?). Anyway jeans are harder too now. I love Grover (my dog) to pieces and having him has helped a lot but it didn’t help when he got bored and throughly destroyed the few pairs of jeans I liked wearing!

On a better note if all goes well I should be starting testosterone around the start of July 🤞. So at least it feels more like a waiting game. Gender Dysphoria around my chest though will last until I’m at least 18 (even though I’ve wanted it since I was 14 and been saying that out loud since I was 15.) 18 is the legal age for surgeries (even gender affirming ones) (yes rules are occasionally bent but I doubt (with the current state of affairs that anyone would do top surgery on a 16 year old. My life since being 15 just feels like I’m waiting.

At least when I go on t (testosterone) that should help a lot with gender dysphoria and subsequently everything else. I’m looking forward to going on t but I’m also not because apparently it’s like going through a second puberty, which logically makes sense but really? Again? This one’ll be better for sure but can someone tell my anxiety that?

Tegan I know you’ll be on tour soon and might not see this, but if you do, thanks for reading, and to anyone else who got this far.

I wish the trans health care system was better, but with the hate for us (trans people) going around it looks like it’ll probably just get worse (before it gets better anyway), so thanks to the TSF (Tegan and Sara Foundation) for trying to fight for things like ‘better trans health care’.

Thanks for reading my rant!

(Me editing again- by the way if someone did read this who’s also struggling with similar things (I doubt it but it’ll be worth writing this if even one person sees it), it’ll be ok, it’ll get better, waiting is hard believe me I know, but look at how amazing some of the trans YouTubers are doing now, they went through similar stuff. Hang in there).

Grover says hi to Georgia! (And any other fellow doggies, he loves making new friends).

Shit this was deeeeep!

Phoenix, he/they/it, 16, Australia

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This is much more organized packing process than my vacation packing. We seem to have a few excited to be going on vacation drinks the night before and I frantically pack after a couple cocktails. This is how I found a heavy sweater in my case when I arrived in Maui.

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6- Georgia

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This has brought me so much joy! I have a Six Stage Fail Safe Packing Process ®️ some steps are fairly similar:

1. Clothes audit

2. Write down daily outfits

3. Quantify and transfer to paper list

4. Get clothes ready in categories (eg - tops, trousers, etc)

5. Pack into cubes

6. Write down on Packr app as clothes are packed into cubes for an audit trail

And yes I do enjoy the process.

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love this!

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As someone who travels a lot, sometimes way more than I'd like, this all resonates SO much.

I adore my backpack. Compartments is key for me, with my OCDed brain. It was super hard for me to find it.

I'm also a big believer in the "visible items don't get left behind" approach, but I also employ the "check every corner of this place before leaving" approach.

The one thing I'll add to my list that I don't see on yours is plant care.

I just left NYC for 4-8 weeks, and ordered a self-drip system a whole month in advance just so I can test timing, water amount, whether or not it sprays water/soil everywhere, and whether or not it can survive without being charged for weeks on end. And that's before trying to calculate if the huge water jerrican is big enough 😂

I'd imagine having a partner proves to be useful when it comes to plant/animal care while you're away 😂

Have an amazing tour. We love you guys, and I can't wait for your September stop in Long Island!

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yes, sofia does a great job of taking care of the plants when i am away (and georgia). before her my mom was in charge of plant care. Very lucky in that regard.

see you in LI!

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Oh wow. I just had a PTSD flashback for pre-deployment rituals and packing. 😳

A corny joke about books:

What dinosaur loves romance books? A Brontë-saurus.

This was amazing and a strangely satisfying post. I gotta tell you, the picture of you two at the bottom is perfection. I love the back story of things and the insight fed my addiction. Hah. More please.

So that’s how you say toque. 🤯 I’ve been butchering that word for over a year now.

So excited to see this round of shows. See youse soon.

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I first heard toque before I read it, in the High School audio book. When I first found out what it was and what it meant. It blew my mind! 🤯 I love it, and I’ve been using it ever since!! 😊 It’s lead to lots of confused looks from fellow Uk people, when I’ve said it, instead of hat or beanie! 😂😊

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I listened to High School too. My brain must’ve not processed the sound of the word. And great idea, Ima start using it too.

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Thank you for sharing your stringent packing process! I wish I was more like you. My bags are always chaotic and I tell myself every single trip that I will do better next time and I never do!

The last trip that I bought vinyl, I was sharing a checked bag with my girlfriend......not realizing that she bought several records too and when we got to the airport to fly home our bag was like 12 pounds over the limit 🫣 That was one shame filled hundred dollar fee I tell ya.

See ya in August in Seattle! Can’t wait!

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My husband and I love travel and a meticulous packing plan is our collective love language. We bond over packing. Went to Europe for the first time in 2022 and managed to fit 2 weeks of clothes into carryon bags using space saver vacuum bags. Do you use vacuum bags to squish your clothes? 8 pants sounds like a lot of space (even for someone as petite as you)

BTW Loving this remix.

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I don't use the vacuum bags, but it is a lot. I admit. The bag is HEAVY and stuffed!

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Thank you for sharing this and do you ever accidentally leave something at home that you should of packed?

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constantly. but thankfully i love to shop!

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I know. we have a date locked in. announcement shortly.

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I loved reading this post because I feel like this is exactly how I pack for trips.... just without the aspect of a huge tour lol. I travel a lot nowadays and I have finally found the perfect way to pack everything I need and as I was reading what you keep in your backpack/carry on, it's almost identical to what I put in mine aha. The next time I travel will be in August when I go to Portland/Seattle to see your shows on my birthday!! I'm so excited to see you again and I can't wait to see the new setlist and merch!

I hope you have a great start for tour, Tegan! (also, I can't wait to see what tiktoks you and Sara come up with on tour lol)

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I can't imagine how stressful it is to pack on tour, you need so many things!! I was on a trip to Washington/Oregon for just a few days and somehow I accidentally only packed one black converse and left the other at home. Thankfully I had my yellow converse and my black docs. Anyways, best of luck on tour, I hope nobody gets sick and nothing goes terribly wrong. And I'm super excited for the new merch.

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hahahahaahahah i've never done that.

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