
This is so sweet and beautiful. It also gives me so much hope that one day I can have a queer family despite my geographic location or culture. Also, Sid turns two today, right? Happy birthday to your sweet two-year-old, mama. I remember when you surprised all of us with the first post of you holding him. It feels like yesterday. Love 🩵

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I hope that for you to dear friend

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Ahhhh I love the family kiss! It’s my favorite part of bedtime. Our 2 year old also smooshes our head together after we smother him with moochies and it’s so fuckin pure. How can we be so lucky?

Our guy also loves looking at our wedding pics and watching the video of my wife proposing (at Stubb’s in Austin before the door opened at a Tegan and Sara concert, which is 100% the gayest day of my 2016). Whatever Texas throws at him and his mamas, this foundation will not crack. Family, man, it’s everything.

Happy Pride yall 🌈

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Happy pride, being a younger queer person reading this makes me so happy and gives me so much hope. I love seeing your family grow and flourish, I love being a proud queer person knowing that there are others out there like me. Thank you for sharing these small moments with us. <3 🏳️‍🌈

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Happy birthday, Sid! Happy pride, happy life ❤️🏳️‍🌈

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This is so beautiful Sara, I can feel the fear and also the absolutely love coming off of it. Thank you for sharing it. That family kiss ritual is such a beautiful thing between the three of you 🥹

As a newly open Bi person, some days it feels like my own inner conflict and self doubt over how I feel is so strong, it feels like society has already won the battle to make me question or suppress how I feel.

But it’s months like Pride, and stories like yours Sara that feel me with so much love, and give me the strength to persevere. 🫶🏼

I suppose one question I have for you Sara, as someone who felt these feelings and took a long time to get to the person you are now. 💛

What’s the one piece of advice you could give me?

I suppose an easier question, what’s the one piece of advice you would’ve liked to have given yourself, in those teenage years?

PS: Also, I believe Sid is almost two now? Congratulations Sara! You and Stacy have such the sweetest little boy, and have done what looks like such an amazing job already. Happy Pride ❤️

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That was beautiful. What I can tell you as the mom of teenagers (17 and 19) is that this next generation gives me so much hope. They’re so evolved and kind. I have high hopes for them.

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Sara, how dare you drop such an emotional post on Monday, at midday?!

I was not ready!

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Sara, thank you for sharing this part of your story. Your words resonated as I listened with a smile at the profound joy and love you share as a true family and a tear at how deeply sad it is that we still live in a world that continues to separate and hate. Happy pride y’all !!! 😊

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Happy Pride. I don’t have much to say about this, except that I’m a proud ally. On the bed time ritual, we enjoy a similar thing. Nicky loves family hugs, which is similar to you three, and Ma-Pa tuck ins. 😊

I love seeing how far we’ve come as a society and am hopeful my son will continue to fight for equal rights when he grows up. 🏳️‍🌈 💙

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We had a "Family Kiss" this morning, at the insistence of the kiddo. =) The kiddo is also the first to correct whomever when the person mislabels us, i.e., "That's mama, not mommy." or vice versa. We do often think about what challenges she may be facing now or worse, what may lie ahead, but we try to focus on the "uniqueness" of the situation and how it may actually be an advantage if used appropriately. What we are certain of is she's surrounded by strong, independent women (grandma included), so we're sure she can stand on her own in whatever scenario. Thank you for sharing.

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Sometimes I see my straight friends talk so casually about their futures. How marriage for them seems so simple , same with having kids, it's right in front of them- or in the next few years and we're only nineteen. I'm not calling you old by any means, but I have realized for queer people we just tend to be different wavelengths in terms of when we get married and have kids, for the most part- at least that's what I've observed. I'm realizing now that maybe while I'm not included in these conversations about marriage and kids just because I'm a lesbian it's something I can think about on my own time. Like maybe I'll have a kid. Probably not. But I do want to get married someday, maybe. But that's not for a long time. And That's okay. Sara, I appreciate you (respectfully) sharing pieces of you & your family's life without overstepping boundaries in terms of sid- like not showing his face and such. I think it's a good thing for your fans to see this , just hearing about your experiences give me hope. Happy pride everyone ♥️🏳️‍🌈

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Also I would make my kid listen to Tegan and Sara. That's for sure.

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Sending queer love to you and your queer family - as queer love is that kind of love that comes from a deep and genuine understanding of feelings and queer family is that kind of family made up of deep connections and their meanings. And I think kids like Sid are lucky to experience that. Somehow we know that no matter how shitty the world insists on being, we know a kind of happiness that is more than enough to make it worth it.

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Happy Pride! I think that’s beautiful what you and Stacy do as a night routine with Sid. He’s going to grow up surrounded by love and I’m sure he will be a very inclusive person.

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This is so sweet!

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Happy Pride! 🌈 I was so delighted to see you and Tegan yesterday at the Sterngrove Festival!! I got your Canada long sleeve at the merch and told the lady who helped me I'm a big fan, so she gave me the “crush” preview of some sort!! I hope you are celebrating Sid’s bday with all the people dearest to him 🎂🥰

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❤️ A very Happy Birthday to Sid! And happy Pride to you and Stacy!

It's tender stories like these that make me think of Here is the House by Depeche Mode. Check it out. Very emotional and sweet.

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