Omg I feel like I haven't listened to music in ages, all I do is listen to podcasts! I'll check your playlist out tomorrow at work. Thanks for sharing!

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Pressing ignore on the negative comments.

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I wish it was that simple now.

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Thank you for this <3

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I was making a playlist too but then felt too anxious to continue. So this is excellent timing, Sara! Thank you. To you & Tegan & all the loners out there, we are in this together!

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We are in this together! And we still are! We’ll support each other.

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Hey Sara,

Thanks for posting! I’ll have to give it a listen when I’m less annoyed though.

I’m very disappointed in the results! I was sure Kamala Harris with win and people wouldn’t be stupid enough to elect him again but they did. There are many reasons I wouldn’t live in America (some of them existed before trump was elected last time) but now with the trans legislation and probably even worse things to come for people of colour, AFAB bodied people, and LGBTQ+ people alike you couldn’t pay me to vacation there. For the record though, I don't hate American people (don’t come for me) for the most part I feel sorry for Americans now.

I can’t imagine how devastating this’ll be to American people.

Unrelated to the above, but Sara, I’m not sure if you picked the red colour? I’ve recently been diagnosed with Autism (which threw me for quite the 360 for a bit but does make sense), anyway the red with the green and the part where they touch is not very nice. If you didn’t do that then don’t worry about it, just if you can change that in the future I’d be very appreciative.

Sorry for all the negativity. I was going to try and write something positive but I’m not really feeling it. My dog Grover is snoring though and I love how soothing it is, that’s a positive.

Thanks for sharing Sara, I’ll have to remember to check it out some other time! And thanks for liking my comment on your other post, made my day!

Phoenix, he/they/it, 17, Australia

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Thank you

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In 2016 I stayed up all night to watch the results and by 5am UK time I could tell Trump had won. I will not be staying up this time but I'm so scared for the result, I will try listening to the playlist to stay calm and hope for the best

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Thanks, Sara. But you know, a great remedy for all that is to just move to a better country. We chose Canada. 😊 We moved to Ottawa and were loving it.

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A broken heart could never recover if their person loved whoever and if they didn't then they will get over it quickly

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Music fuels revolutions, helps us heal, and comforts us when needed.

Thank you, Sara, and Tegan, for posting and reaching out to all of us who are clearly devastated, confused, angry, and afraid.

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Returning to work today and my anxiety is through the roof. Listened to this on my way and feelin’ a little better ♥️

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Thanks Sara, keep the playlists coming 🧡

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Can’t wait to listen to this playlist, thank you for sharing!!

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Nice chill playlist! It’s working. Tk you!

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Thank you for this Sara, something to just distract and just hoping for the best. 🫶🏼

And this is speaking as someone who is from the UK, so I can’t imagine how the Americans in here, are feeling right now. ❤️

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I’ll be checking out your playlist and adding the ones I like to my chill playlist. We need all the good vibes today.


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