I like these "thinking out loud" types of pieces. Thanks for sharing.

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I really enjoy that you talk about so many different subjects on here. I’ve learned a lot from your posts from your life, how to make a music video, your interests and life with a dog haha. I feel like if I was on tour with a packed schedule being tired and ornery quite a bit having a girlfriend come along might not be the best idea haha. I mean, she could hang out with Stacy and Sid (now that’s going to be fun having a baby on board haha) to keep her company as well as Georgia but it definitely sounds like a lot. Maybe it’s best she’s at home with Georgia and you can unwind with her and be your normal self instead of being all keyed up.

Good luck on tour with Sid (he’s such a cute little squishy!).

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Ugh, Tegan. Swoooon! I want a dream girl and vacations tooo.

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I think it could be worth bringing Georgia on tour at least once to see how it goes, maybe fewer days like Sofia did. I did love the idea of going on vacation after each tour though! Thanks for sharing ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love to get insights into how you feel about your life on the road! I volunteer to join you on tour to look after Georgia when you decide to bring her :D

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Yeah I completely get it, it’s really tricky to find that balance and you don’t want anything to change what you already have. It is exciting though that Sara is bringing Stacy and Sid, as well as your Mum coming too. Like you said it will be interesting to see how you feel about it after the fall tour.

Great post though Tegan and thanks for sharing all of that. Can’t wait for Crybaby in only four days time now! 👀 And I hope you have the best time back on tour! 😊

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It's super interesting to hear you talk about this stuff. I'm so excited for the new album and tour. I can't believe it's just a little over a month until the concert. Also, since I've never been to a t&s show, I'm wondering if there's going to be a table for the tegan and Sara foundation? (Sorry that is probably a dumb question, I've seen pictures from past concerts and there's a t&s foundation table in the background). I'd really like to get a tegan and Sara found shirt at some point.

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The post-tour vacation tradition sounds amazing. Curious to hear/read how it goes touring with the fam this Fall!

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I love these posts. Hope the tour goes well. Can’t wait to see the new show!

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Super cool post Tegan. Really love the real talk about the tour lifestyle. A lot of time I’ve met people that are enamoured with the glitz and glamour of the “rockstar” life, even myself and it just becomes the ultimate achievement of life or something. The end of the rainbow? I’ve never been a touring musician so I can’t speak from your perspective but I learned a lot from my days as a runner for studios, working LONG ass days/nights, juggling day jobs, random gigs, while trying to be at the studio as much as possible and also trying to have a personal life. It’s a-lot. I’ve had many times where I’ve questioned myself. Am I doing enough? Do I want to sacrifice certain things?

Is it all worth it? But then there’s those special moments that remind you why you do what you’re doing and you just have that feeling that it’s right.

Just have to find the best balance that works for you. Which I’m thinking is just a never ending journey.

It really helps to gain different views and opinions of the realities and quality of life in the things we choose to do. Anyways I’m babbling. Thanks again for the cool post.

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Hey Tegan,

Good post! I hadn’t thought about that aspect of touring, what it would be like balancing family and friends, though I’m assuming we haven’t heard from Sara much cause she’s focusing on Sid, which I get.

I love this part ‘You and I have never really been partyers.’ From your post. I know what you meant, but I laughed when I heard it, thinking of the raves described in your book!

Unrelated to this post but do you know what happened to the live of yellow? (I know you’ve been busy so I understand if you haven’t looked into it yet but I thought I’d ask.)

Also how is it rehearsing for a tour again after so long? Does it feel surreal? Or right? Or even a bit of Both?

Phoenix, he/they/ri/it, 15, Australia

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Can’t believe I forgot to say this, but so excited for Crybaby and high school to come out! Can’t wait to hear Smoking weed alone before the album too! You (Tegan) and Sara wrote Smoking weed alone together, right?

Me editing- I just heard the song! I love all the Crybaby songs so far! Epic song! (Sometimes the time difference is helpful!!!) night! (Or morning, as it’s 1:30am!) 🥱😴

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Do you mean the video of the performance of yellow on late night with Seth Myers? Looks like the tv show YouTube took it off their page, the interview is still there.

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Yeah, that’s as much as I know too.

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I get this completely. I've never been on a concert tour but as someone who used to travel all the time for work I don't think I could bring my family with me. I don't do well at holding boundaries and so I like to keep my work and my people compartmentalized and held with physical boundaries or I think they'd blend and bleed too much for me to keep straight. You know?

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I've been super interested myself to see how Sara responds to tour life meets mom life - whether Sid was along or not. Maybe it would be harder to not see him and worry; maybe that would be more distracting. But, with a partner, I think I'd be more like you. Feeling I need to entertain them, be my best self, check in often, still have the energy at night to be affectionate and meet their needs -- which is hard enough in a phone call or FaceTime. But, hey, you might find things look different this time around, too. Change is wild.

I hope you update us along the way how *you're* also responding to mom and Sid along. A dynamic you might not love - or might - itself! Appreciate your thinking out loud; work/life balance is something I think we're all trying to figure out! See ya in 2wks!

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This one is going to be different for sure. How long do you plan to be on the road? Are you doing the same kind of loop that you normally do?

I'm super psyched you are hitting Philly first but please be careful, the city is kind of a crime filled shit show right now. See you guys soon!

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I think its great that you have someone like Sofia who clearly understands you and is able to support you and not complain about you being away, I feel like this must make you feel good about your choice in partner though im sure its still hard when you leave. she does sound special like you said. Also is she taking you on vacation after the crybaby tour? lol thanks for this post really enjoyed it.

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I hope having tour tag alongs at least helps you both reconnect with what can be great about touring and learn how to get help to not destroy yourselves in doing it. Bring in some perspectives. You’re both so driven and sacrifice so much to keep doing this. It doesnt come as a surprise to hear that thinking about juggling priorities of work and the needs of loved ones who aren’t doing that work is a daunting notion. How do you give EVERYONE your undivided attention? Its a paradox. A problem for people who truly care. A good problem to have.

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