Love this, Sara 😍🫢🏻 Brings back great memories from The Con X Tour ❀️❀️

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I love Sentimental Tune! One of my all time favorite lines, β€œHard hearted, don’t worry I’m ready for a fight,”

Thanks for showing us your practice session. I’m jelly I’m not there to see your performances.

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Off topic, but I’m very upset with my wife for leaving me to see you and the band this weekend in San Diego and then at the Just Like Heaven fest. Mom’s in hospital recovering from a stroke, and I need to be with her. My wife has been great support, and so I said: β€œjust go.” My wife is kinda like Sheldon, from Young Sheldon, very literal, unaware that it’s all a trap. So, if you hear her screaming out loud, probably buzzed, saying to you β€œOooouuu!” 😍, tell her to remember that’s her last time leaving me to see the band without me! Thanks for coming to my Lesbian Divorce TED Talk.

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🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Ayr Mona!!

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I love the videos you post of yourself playing guitar and singing in your studio, it's really cool to see the unedited rehearsal footage! Beautiful renditions of two of my favorite songs of yours!

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Thanks for sharing! Are both these in the set list πŸ‘€

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Mistakes are what makes us human.

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Like Oh, Like H is my absolute favorite T+S song ever. I love hearing it every single time. Thanks for sharing!

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I loved watching this. As the audience, I tend to think artists can just spill out their songs with no effort, that they are superhuman at their craft. I think the human factor of mistakes, bantering, different arrangements makes you both human and makes it so engaging to be a fan.

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These are beautiful Sara!🎹🫢 Thanks for sharing.

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Hey Sara,

Thanks for the post! I loved the title pun inside jokes are the best!! Thought it was so funny!

I already love both songs, but like o like h reminded me of the con x tour videos I’ve seen (which was so cool)! And sentimental tune, wow! It was amazing to hear it acoustic! I find there are some albums that record better than others (when you guys don’t know you’re being recorded) and sainthood I’d one that is hard to record unless being recorded on purpose (hope that made sense). Anyway, it was a whole new awesome take and I am here for it!!

I was torn the whole time between wanting your voice to be slightly louder and loving being able to hear the guitar better. They were both great!

With like o like h (which I know better than I know sentimental tune) I found myself trying to tell you the lyric you missed πŸ˜‚.

Thank you so much for sharing! I love performances, even if it means no reading.

Phoenix, he/they/it, 17, Australia

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Sounds fantastic Sara!!! Did you get a new Gretch? I know the other one broke and you loved it so much. Sooooo good!!!

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I always figure that’s why it’s so hard to get a pic of either of you singing while playing guitar with your eyes open. Too hard to do both and then have to worry about something catching your eye lol. πŸ–€

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Two of my favorites. So good to hear like o like h again.

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Omgg what a giftπŸ’•πŸ˜­ this is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing πŸ™πŸΌ

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I don't enjoy practicing either. Thank you for sharing yours πŸ’› (i love sentimental tune)

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Thank you for sharing the video of you practicing. For me Tegan and Sara concerts are a reminder that in a world that demands perfection no one is and we need to always just try our best.

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