May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

For those of us fortunate to meet you in person, we left the venue delighted and maybe sad, but mostly excited that we got to see one of our favorite musicians in person!

We truly hope you loved the jerky! Though we didn’t get to hear you and Sara live, we understood the safety and health of the band is much more important. Sure, we drove 3 hours, but somehow it allowed my wife and I time to reconnect and gab about how my wife stole all the time talking to you, when all I wanted to say was “We came baring gifts,” when my wife got suddenly too excited, cut me off and stole the show meeting you. 😂

Before we arrived, she mentioned gifting a very special bag of jerky to you and the band. We planned to give it to you both while on stage. But meeting you was way more awesome of an experience.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s ok. For us, meeting you, was special. See, I wrote you and Sara a few weeks back hoping to get a shoutout for my wife from both of you (wrote about it in substack notes), and as it happened the show didn’t work out, but you taking the time to meet with so many of your fans truly took so much sadness away. For my wife, girl, she was like a kid in the candy store! She promised not to speak at the book event we will attend so that I have a chance to talk to you. 😆 I mean, for the sanctity of our marriage that’s how things have to be. 😉

Thank you for giving us great memories, your time and willingness to bring a smile to all of our faces while standing in rain. We see you! We recognize all the cool stuff you and Sara do for us! Thank you!

P.S. My asshole wife made up for it by getting us 2 bags of jerky. 21 years of marriage warrants payment in food! 😆

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The jerky was a thoughtful and lovely gift. And we appreciated it very much. It's so hard to let people down, but meeting everyone after was a nice little lift after a tough day. We know people drive, and spend, and make such an effort and it means the world to us! We are hopefully going to confirm a new date next week. We have almost narrowed down an availability that works! Standby!

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The humble and genuine nature of how you operate is a big reason why I love you two. When you say how bad you feel, it’s not just lip service.

This behind the scenes look was a great read. I love this stuff and thank you for writing about it. ☺️

I am also truly amazed at how nice T&S fans are, as well. To quote Rae (another fan), “Both Tegan and Sara have something about them that makes you want to be truly authentic and not give a shit!” That freedom to be who you are makes me more relaxed and happy. I’m sure others feel the same way.

I’ve made all my arrangements for Pittsburgh and know that if you have to cancel, I will not be mad in the slightest. 🩷❤️🧡💛💚💜💙🩵

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Thanks, Darius! Appreciate that!

And we'll see you in Pittsburgh!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

This (among many reasons) is why you guys are my favorite band of all time. My girlfriend and I were at the ramen restaurant across the street from the venue when we saw the news about the postponement, and while it was very sad, we mostly were excited that we had a reason to come back to Solvang! I agree, it’s the cutest and most awesome little town, and I can’t wait to come back and see you guys, rain-free!

Thank you for continuing to be the most thoughtful artists, and doing everything with such beautiful intention. I’ll keep an eye out for the rescheduled date, and we will be there with bells on! :) xo

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Thank you for this. What a lovely reframe! I am actually really excited to go back to Solvang myself. FOR CHRISTMAS! And our show. :)

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Thanks for this post, Tegan. We flew down from Seattle for a few days in Solvang, with your show being the main event, as an early 8th birthday present for my kiddo. We were waiting for the doors to open when the announcement was made. I didn’t have time to process my own disappointment in the moment, as I was the sole adult with my child, and instead jumped into helping her managing her sadness and leading her in some calming breathes. Then, some folks asked to come to the merch table, which we also wanted to do. As we stepped through the gate, Rosie said, “is that Tegan right there??” I encouraged her to say hi to you, which didn’t take much encouragement because she is an immensely confident child. So I suppose Rosie initiated the meet and greet LOL seriously though, thank you for spending time talking with us, and singing with Rosie. What could have been an absolute panicked childhood crisis, actually turned out to be one of the most special experiences and for sure a core memory. I feel like I can’t fully express how much grateful for you I was in those moments. We are also grateful for Sara, and her waves from the passenger seat of that white SUV, heading back to LA lol

And yes, agreed, Tegan and Sara fans are the BEST and I’m proud to be raising the next generation of T&S fan.

I showed Rosie this post and she is so happy you shared that selfie! You are BFFs now.

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So happy to be BFF's with Rosie. You have a sweet awesome kid on your hands! And being there in that moment made all the grief I felt about cancelling evaporate. I feel so excited to get back out on the road, and back to Solvang, and appreciate how wonderful and understanding you all were. It meant the world. It doesn't go unnoticed by us how much time, effort, money, care T&S fans put into the community. We hope our commitment to you all is felt too!

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Well, this got me. 🥹

I’m so glad that you both had such a memorable day in the end! Wow 😊

Congratulations to you and Rosie

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Ahh thanks 🧡 If only I could have Tegan on hand whenever there is a childhood disappointment lol Like the fact I can’t get Taylor Swift tickets for Rosie, that news coming from Tegan would soften the blow 😂

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Haha, aw I bet. 😊😂

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That was a super sweet story. ☺️

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

In the same way you love us T&S fans, the way you handled all of this is why we love you too. We always know that whenever you cancel something you’re just as gutted, and it’s when there’s no safe alternative. You are my favourite band of all time! 🥹❤️💛 And this is one of so many reasons why. 😊 Also I got a little emotional seeing those pictures with you and the fans outside the venue, mainly because I can imagine what that would be like if I was in that situation, and that must’ve been so special for them. On like you say, what must’ve felt like a disappointing day.

Here’s hoping that you both, and everyone else enjoys the hell out of the rescheduled date, whenever that is! 😊

And as you said at the start Tegan, I hope in the tour days to come, you feel the love, and enjoy playing music and getting up on stage and touring again in 2023.

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Thanks, Sonny!

It was really awesome to meet everybody outside the venue. Reminded me of the old days when we would do meet and greets all the time. Things got too crazy, and late, and it was hard on the crew, but it's nice to change it up every once and a while and get to hang with everyone. We really do love the people who come to our shows! Such a good vibe.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

It was so nice to meet you anyway. Can’t wait til you come back! Also, I still have those photos to send you :)

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I let management know to DM you! Send us a link!

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Cool! Thank you. Hope to talk to you soon

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Shit happens. People need to roll with it. I appreciate you guys. Listening to your podcast with Muna. ❤️

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LOVE muna.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

I drove up from LA with a couple friends to see the show and was one of the people who stopped to say hi on your way back to the hotel. Of course it’s always a bummer to not have the show but what is the alternative? We all get soaked and risk getting sick? So I’m glad that most people could make the best of the situation :) thanks for sticking around to say hello and hopefully the next day is typical CA sun

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Thanks for understanding Naomi! Exactly. Sick, cold, no sight lines, electrocution! There were too many risks. I noticed that Taylor Swift had a rain show the other day. The show was delayed by like 4 hours or something and they built see-through tents for the band to protect the gear. It's a massive feat to put on a show in the rain when there is no stage. Sadly we didn't have those kinds of resources to push through. I wish we had. I was glad we had some photographic proof of the soaked stage, the silly car port tent idea in motion and the exposed stage so that people could see we really had no other option.

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There’s the answer, all you need is the unlimited power and budget of Taylor Swift! LOL we can dream ✨

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

It must be devastating to have to cancel the first show for reasons you can’t control. Everyone is human and Mother Nature is Mother Nature! But I think that even the heartbroken or upset fans know, deep down at least, that you guys wanted to play that show more than anything 💜

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I think they know too!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

That’s such a bummer. You seemed so excited for that show. You two are quite mighty but even you guys can’t control the weather.

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Mighty but human. :)

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May 12, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Shit happens,we've had thunder and hailstorms over in the UK,better to be safe ,let's hope the weather gets better.🙂,muna podcast make me laugh ,plus you have some awesome lineups for festivals later in the year.i can't attend in person but I get to watch them online most of the time .have fun on tour 🎸.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Hey Tegan,

Thanks for the post! I love the way the audio was presented with the song at either end gently fading in/out I found it a lot less distracting! And thank you for doing the audio I wasn’t expecting it with all the tour dates you guys have!

I was sorry to hear you got rained out, that sucks. Hateful people are very irritating, but I take comfort in knowing that because most of them literally have nothing better to do then sit there and write hateful things to people just living their lives that means they have very sad lives. I also wish people would think about what their saying (particularly on the internet) before just saying it. I wish that people who write hate comments would think about the person they’re writing it to actually reading it. And lastly I wish everyone didn’t feel the need to put every opinion they have online for anyone to see, for example people commenting on your outfits, you really don’t need to say ‘oh I really don’t like what Tegan’s wearing today’ why bother? I mean really, if I’m not a fan of your hair that time or that jacket or whatever I’m not going to just tell you that’s not my place. Fans should be fans not haters.

Hope you enjoyed my little rant on haters! (Yes I am aware that it’s a bit hypocritical that I’m sharing my opinion right now (like I said I dislike people doing willy-nilly) if it isn’t clear what I meant was I don’t think people need to share things like ‘I don’t like your hair’ on the internet, it doesn’t benefit the person saying it or the person receiving it or anyone else who comes across it. The point- I disagree strongly with sharing opinions that could hurt someone’s feelings if it has no other purpose than just to contribute to the narrative.)

Personally if I found out that the show I was going to see was canceled (even if it was a T&S show) but because it was canceled I got to meet THE Tegan Quin in person! I would lose my fucking shit! (In the best way).

Thanks again for the post and for reading it! Much appreciated!

Phoenix, he/they/it, 16, Australia

PS: as a 16-year-old who doesn’t have a job it’s basically impossible for me to come see you right now (in Canada or America) but if there was any way of doing it I would. So I just have to wait till you come to Aus or I get enough money to come see you, I’m hoping for the former as I do need to start saving to move out in 5 years or so.

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Thanks for the rant!

Look, people can say whatever they please. It's how we deal with it that matters. I deal with it by being honest and not taking on negativity. But everyone can say whatever they like. I think my post was intended just to showcase that the disappointment and loss of money and time and energy goes both ways. We have to pay everyone even though we didn't play. We have to pay for the shipping of gear and merchandise and flights and insurance and hotels and food and gas and the list goes on and on. We had to pay to ship our gear from Canada. None of that money gets paid back. It's a total loss for us. An expensive one. BUT safety comes first. Just like our health on the last tour. We aren't super human. We can't stop rain. We can't make our voices work when we have laryngitis. People who don't understand that probably never will. But we will always be super open and honest just in case we can change a few minds. All that being said, some people are just dicks looking for a reaction and that's just life. :)

And I wish you could afford to come to a T&S show over here but we will come back to Aus one day. I promise! And there are some live streamed events coming up. We'll be better about alerting when that happens!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Wait, so you can't control the rain, even though it's literally your middle name? 🤔 I'm sorry about the concert, though the people in the pics I saw looked pretty psyched to meet you! Not sure I would have been smiling if I were in your shoes (and your awesome Snoopy shirt!) because I imagine it costs a bundle to cancel a show... 😩

In related news, I live nowhere near Solvang, but I still discovered Hand Habits through your Instagram Live, and I've been listening to them all week! 🙌 Thanks for expanding my musical horizons! I'm looking forward to more of those if you get the chance!

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This makes me so happy! I love that people are discovering Hand Habits! They are so great. Super sad we didn't get to see the show. BOO.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

Thank you for all the effort it takes to make a show and sometimes we don't see it and we appreciate it enough thank you very much for everything I'm sure all the fans of Tegan and Sara love you very much🥰🥺

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

You are right when you said it was out of your control. It doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do, there is nothing you can do to control an act of God. Fans can get mad but would they rather see you in danger and hurt? You were being safe, not only for yourselves but for your crew. The fans who made angry and unfair remarks were only thinking of themselves and not considering how it affected all of you. You did the best you could and that’s all that matters. Fans shouldn’t expect more than that. We were disappointed when you cancelled in Minneapolis, but we wanted you both to be safe and well. We understood. When we purchase tickets, make other plans and drive, it’s a risk we take. Blame and guilt get us nowhere. I’m very happy you took care of yourselves and your crew and put safety first. We fans want you around for a long time! ❤️

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Thanks Lori!

It's true. It sucks when a band has to cancel. Sometimes it just really isn't in your control! And I really mean it when I say that i totally understand people being upset. I get it. I was just saying that we were upset too. It's tough. For everyone.

BUT shit happens!

I have friends who went to see Bieber in Vegas. Got cancelled and they made the best of it. You know...it just is what it is! We forget sometimes that behind the show are real people.

We promise to always take really good care of ourselves but also YOU in the audience. You deserve the best show!

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You are so full of compassion for what your fans go through. We deserve the best from you and you deserve the best from us! Don’t ever feel guilty! You always give 200%! And we will be here to support you!!

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And yes! You are right. Shit happens and we need to make the best of it - with everything in life!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Tegan and Sara

We saw you folks last November in Detroit during laryngitis palooza. Sometimes a cancelled/altered show brings everyone together more so than a regularly scheduled production. The magic of a concert is that the musicians you love are human, and with that come human problems!

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LOL "laryngitis palooza"

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