Smoking Weed Alone is such a good song and the chorus is fist pumping! Crybaby is shaping up to be really f’ing cool. The energy is high and the songwriting is stellar. I can’t wait for the full release! Between Still Jealous, High School, Melody’s book, Crybaby and the tour, this is the best Tegan and Sara season ever. I’m so grateful.

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It's definitely a lot! Very grateful that we're able to release all this stuff. Wild. Thanks for writing and enjoying the "stuff."

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Aw I love this one Tegan and it was so lovely seeing you in the livestream before the video launched ~ which by the way is so much fun. I’ve not been well recently and your music has kept me sane as I (attempt to) dance around my apartment when I’m doing chores, so for that I thank you both. I cannot wait to hear the record in its entirety on Friday; I’ve never followed a band this closely through the release process of a new record and it’s been an absolute honour to feel like a teeny tiny part of this with you both and this wonderful community 🥰 ~ Ash x

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Ah! thanks Ash! I hope the dancing helped a bit. And that you're feeling better soon. It's always such a rollercoaster of releasing new things. But I have to admit this time around it's been easier. Maybe it's getting older, or just recognizing that we're lucky to get to do this so many years on in our career, but I just feel mostly excitement and gratitude and less focused on numbers and sales than ever before. All we want is for people to hear the music and feel it and connect to it and come see us live and hang with other people who feel the same as they do. It's simpler than I ever imagined. Anyway! Feel better!

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Aw bless you ~ thank you so much for that. It really means a lot. And it’s so lovely to hear that. I think there comes a point of clarity with some jobs where you realise you’re in it because you just love it. It’s a lifestyle and your passion. They’re so rare to come across and I love that you’re cherishing it to the max. The music you make is resonating with this community and we appreciate it so much. I just hope that all of us in this group are able to let down our hair and come see you guys on tour ~ and most importantly just have fun together! 🥰🥰

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I think most everyone has a time in their life where they ask the hard questions- what am I doing? Do I want to do this? What is my purpose?

Just so you know- you are still very relevant. As someone who really discovered you both during the pandemic, your book really helped me start to sort out thoughts and feelings from high school back when it was very rare for someone to be openly out. I started to process some things. I love when Sara (?) talked about having compassion for your younger self. That’s a very hard lesson to learn.

I keep recommending your book to people.

Your music, writing, tv show are all relevant because it’s queer representation that we need.

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Thanks, Rachel. So many people asked why we wanted to return to high school. It was hard to be there the first time around and I know most people feel that way. But we are glad to have gone back there and reprocessed it, and now to have been able to share it with so many people. And it makes me happy to read that you found it and it helped YOU.

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The song not only is a banger but I can relate to the lyrics. As someone who smoked so much weed (about 20 spliffs at least per day) I used it as additional pain relief for my chronic back oain. It was a double edged sword, on the one hand it helped my pain management but on the other, it made my mental health so much worse, I couldn’t sleep without it. My severe anxiety disorder was so bad I woke up soaked in sweat and had night terrors in the end. I stopped smoking it about 10/11 years ago and stopped smoking tobacco about 9 years ago. This song perfectly represented my mind when trying to quit. So glad I did quit. 💛💛

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That's a lot weed! I'm glad you quit. But also COMPLETELY understand the need to use it for pain management. As a young person, I liked feeling out of control but admit that in adulthood I desire more control and moderation than I did when I was young. But I do feel that pot and some of the other experimenting we did open up creative channels. Anyway! I'm glad the song resonated! That makes me happy! I love that people are finding their own stories in the music!

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I think Crybaby is going to be your best yet, I'm so excited to hear it in full on Friday! I have taken the day off work to listen to it, watch High School (and listen to Taylor Swift's new record) so it feels very ceremonial! I think Smoking Weed Alone is your catchiest song yet (before that it was Can't Grow Up, and before that Drove Me Wild). You definitely know how to make songs that crave to be danced to, I hope to be able to experience it live at some point! Also I really appreciate how honest you are in these Substack posts, it must be tough having to continually reinvent yourself and figure out what's next creatively and with the business but really glad you and Sara stuck with it cause I think we are in the best era of Tegan and Sara!

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I LOVE that you took the day off to have an art day of listening and watching stuff. that's so AWESOME!

It makes us so happy, and it means so much to us that people are loving Crybaby. I think it was worth the wait, we took our time and crafted something special, so I am glad others agreed. Have an amazing day tomorrow!

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Thank you!

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Ciao Tegan!

Flying thoughts on the release.

- You look great!

- 4K VIDEO?? Super cool. Is it your first?

- It's POV Season, apparently.

- Sara scares me more than she should.

- Imagine having a shared whatsapp account, lmao.



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HA! you definitely want Sara on your side in a fight!

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I want Sara on my side whatever the reason

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Ah, the wonderful 40s. Where you question everything you've done up to this point. It's a nice place to be, actually. Because you HAVE choices that you might not have seen earlier in your life, because you have so much more life experience now. Enjoy it, if your worries will let you!

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So true Angie!!!

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That's such a positive, cool perspective. Choices.

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Hi Tegan,

It was great to see you last night! (This morning technically) I got up for the 2:40am Live you did! I was the one who was talking about Spoilers to do with high school, for the record I said ‘no spoilers please, it’s not out in Aus!’

I love all the songs from crybaby so much! I know that the rest of the album will be epic too! I was also surprised to find that I do relate to ‘smoking weed alone’ which is one of the only songs of yours I wasn’t sure if I’d relate to (as someone who has never, nor ever plans to do drugs). But I love it! There are lines in there that I really relate to!

The video’s for crybaby are all amazing! You two are all round fucking amazing! I joked to my mum (who is a Tegan and Sara fan too, but only cause I got her into your stuff), anyway I joked to her that the closest I’m going to get to being high is watching the Hey I’m just like you and Smoking weed alone videos! 😂

I have anxiety too and I do the ‘what if’s’ about my life and future too. Though let me say this for some of yours, I love the new songs! (This may just be because it’s a new album) but I think crybaby could be my favourite album of yours ever! Which is saying something cause I thought nothing could kick Hey, I’m just like you off. I’ve said this before but I’m planning a tattoo of the ice cream with the razor blade in it to represent my love for crybaby and T&S! (Kind of unrelated but I just realised that the colour of the wall in my room that I got to chose a couple years ago (we were getting the bathroom re-done and my room is next to it) is the same shade of blue as the crybaby album! Which is hilarious because not only was this pre pre pre crybaby but this was before I was a fan!) wow! Getting back to the ‘what if’s’ even though I haven’t seen it I’m sure I’ll love the tv show! I love the book and all the trailers!

Great post, thanks for feeling comfortable to share that with us! So excited to see high school and hear crybaby!

You’ve got a fan for life here! Cause even if I don’t stay a mega fan, some of yours and Sara’s music changed my life (literally) and there’s no denying that!

Phoenix, he/they/ri/it, 15, Australia

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ohhhh good idea re the ice cream cone tattoo! I kinda want one now too! Ha.

Say hi to your mom for us!

thank you for getting up early to watch the video! your devotion is noted!

I am so glad to hear that even though you don't smoke weed, you related to the song. since i also don't smoke weed, I was always confident that anyone could relate. i'm glad the song still has entry points for all!

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Just wanted to check when (time zone wise) crybaby’s coming out? Is it Vancouver 12am or New York 12am (cause of where you live/where you are)?

And are the two of you doing a IG or YouTube live the day crybaby comes out?

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Thank you for sharing your introspection. Can't wait to hear the rest of Crybaby.

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I love this song..Love you all💖💖💖💖

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Thanks Ege!

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Asking questions is all part of being a human being. We are meant to evolve in some fashion, whether it be transitioning from childhood to adulthood, single to married, or to even parenthood. If we don't ask questions about ourselves we become stagnant and dormant. It doesn't necessarily mean that we have to change what we do for a living (leave the band for example), sometimes asking the questions sparks creative juices that may not have yet been tapped into. Personally, if asking questions creates an album like Crybaby...shoot....I'm all for you to keep asking!! :)

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Great point Shirley. I agree. We should always be asking ourselves questions and growing! Thanks for this reminder!

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“I just want to be alone”. Can totally relate to those lyrics soooo sooo much. I work in the service industry and being an introvert/hermit, I NEED my alone time afterwards to recharge. Having to be extroverted and social for work can be quite exhausting for me.

Having just gone 6 months without alcohol and counting, lately I’ve been enjoying weed in all its wonderful forms, ha! For me it’s the ultimate relaxer after work with many, many bags of chips and usually some Housewive franchise in the background to giggle to.

Sooooo excited for Friday and the release of Crybaby!!!!! 🤞🏻 that my deluxe box set comes tomorrow like it is saying it will!!!! Thank YOU both always for being such amazing humans! ❤️

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Well when you put it that way, weed with "many bags of chips and usually some Housewives franchise in the background" maybe i WILL start smoking weed.

Also congrats on 6 months with no alcohol!

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I love the call and answer songs. This song is great! Hope to hear it live. One week today until I see you in concert!

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See you in a week!

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Smoking weed with my girlfriend while reading this. Taking it all in, day by day.

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LOL! hi!

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Love the new song. I ask my alexa to play the new tegan and sara song and it plays smoking weed alone, then I can't grow up, the today cover, teenage tears, faded, yellow and then fucking up what matters and it's the best thing ever.

I'm really enjoying all the new music, the show, the substack...I actually don't know what I used to do with my time but I guess it was work more.

Can't wait for the rest of the album !

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Love that! I love that we have so much new music out there. Makes me so happy. We are so lucky. Thank you for the support! Glad you get to spend some of your day with us, and we are so grateful to spend part of ours with you!

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Well these last few songs have been like an energy recharge for me when I feel like I can't take it anymore I just put on his music and it all goes away, I've never smoked weed but I guess it works almost the same way you dissociate yourself from reality for a few moments.

I'm really looking forward to this album and my friends are going to have to put up with me in crybaby mode because I'm not going to talk about anything else lol.

Sending good luck and lots of love. ❤️🍀

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I'm in Crybaby mode too. Feel ya.

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