Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Omg yes new album release on Tuesday! THANK YOU JESUS happy pride

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Tegan drop it like it’s hot.

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Pause when did they announce it!??

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New T&S album release? What? Since when? (Don’t get me wrong I want it), but is this happening? Or are we just hoping?

Yes happy pride!

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Brilliant. NO! You won’t be doing your job, and I’m glad those suggestions sparked your creativity.

I can relate. I described my latest novel to someone very close to me. The outsized negative reaction I received splashed cold water on the creative fire I had been stoking every day. I felt nauseated every time I looked at my iPad, and was turned off completely from writing. Li ke you, I listened to various people and ended up taking suggestions from eight famous writers. I did all of their suggestions.

Making a long story less long, my fire is back and I’m turning out half a chapter a day. I hope it lasts and I think it will if I remain cognizant of protecting my creative side.

I hope your creative streak is a lasting one. Your voices and your song writing/story telling are nearing their peaks. I’m anxiously awaiting your next project, if there is one - and, man, I really hope there is.

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GOOD!!! Wishing you continued inspiration. Glad you were able to shake it off and get back to something you love!!

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So glad you have managed to find a balance. It's SO important, especially when trying to create. Feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated by other factors are for sure a creativity killer. Very exciting to hear there are new songs coming to life too 😍

My job is email after email after email, so by the time I've finished work for the day I'm usually too tired to create anything of my own. But, when I do find those rare pockets of inspiration in between it all, it just gives me that extra boost, & I realise how much I still enjoy it. Keep going with it as long as you can, it sounds like it's working a treat 👌🏻x

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you know, we're all so different, and to me it's just about finding what works for yourself. and it's made such a big difference for me not to launch into "to do lists" and go into stress triage mode. But I bet for tons of other people it helps to get that shit done. It's just about listening to yourself!

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Yay! That’s really interesting 🤔 and in areas of my life where I can try it, I might try it too.

And maybe it won’t last forever Tegan, but while it does, like you say, absolutely go for it! 💛

Sounds amazing to have such a weight lifted off you and have your creativity unlocked all of a sudden!! Go Tegan go! 😊👍🏼

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Very nice :)

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Omg totally off topic but I just remembered another rec for book and podcast that I HIGHLY recommend as it shook me to my core. I read the book without any pre-context: "Run, Hide, Repeat: A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood" by Pauline Dakin. Years later a podcast was released, so I recommend book first and then podcast, but definitely both! Okay, bye.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Tegan and Sara

Definely, we all have our personal dose of discipline that allows us to live something closer to the life we ​​want. That sure unlocks our minds.

I have no social media at all, I mean, I have a blog for my drawings and this substack account, I love newsletters, but thats it, thats all the "feed" I deal with. No Instagram, no tiktok, X, whatever, nothing at all. It was one of the best things I did for myself, its being almost 10 years and I have no regrets.

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I know SO many people who abandoned social media years ago. I still felt (even now I do a little) like I HAD to have social media for our career. Now I realize I can still write, create, and direct our social media without using it. I believe for so many it's inspirational and a connection point for them, but since it's neither for, it was just a drain, I had to stop. BUT I know it's an important place to still share about our band. But I no longer feel like it's OURs. It's a community board at this point. LOL. Maybe that will change again, but I doubt it.

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Happy to hear your voice note again ‘cause girl, I said it once and I’ll say it again, it’s just so damn soothing!

Beyond thrilled to hear you found your spark again and we will get to hear new songs in the near future. My ear holes are ready. While you’re at it, can you rework past unreleased songs too? You know those are gold too, right? I promise to give you guys extra loud woos!

Incredibly relatable though, I disabled a bunch of apps and couldn’t be happier. Less distraction and time wasted. And you’re right, not possible for me. Checking my email first thing in the am is a habit that I can’t break.

Speaking of quality, I must admit this year’s tour has been quality > quantity and I’m here for it. As Darius mentioned above and I 100% agree, you guys are at your peak and I freaking love it. You guys are happier on stage and it radiates into the crowd. It always has but this year is different and I can’t fully explain it. Maybe it’s because I’m happier and enjoying the shows more? Ha, see you all again in a few weeks. 😄

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Thanks for this feedback. It's nice to hear that our happiness and creativity is flowing out of us and making it to the audience. I definitely have been loving touring more and love the team around us. And taking some pressure off ourselves has reshaped how I see performance and touring. So it's all very good! Years in the making, but it's starting to really show. So I'm glad you are feeling it.

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

But if it's forever it's even better 💫 sounds like you're finding a good groove!

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

That's great to hear! Happy for you ♡

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Jun 8Liked by Tegan and Sara

When I need to think outside the box at my job I listen to music and it inspires me. Thankfully, my work environment is pretty relaxed. I changed jobs in January and it was a career change so, I had to develop a new work structure. Like you I noticed that I have been happier and less stressed. Also, I am not as tense after work.

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That is great!

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Jun 8Liked by Tegan and Sara

Wow!! Years?! That is awful but exciting to hear you wrote new songs. Phones are the devil.

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This sounds so nice, and so healthy, and my first instinct was to say I have to try, since my job is also to make things, but the line between my work in leisure is so blurry that knowing myself I'll just add to my anxiety by debating myself whether a certain thing counts as a work email or not. 😂

But how cool that it's working for you, which benefits us all, too. :)

Now please, would you tell us which lyrics inspired which new item from the Peau De Loup collab? We've been trying to decipher it on reddit 😂

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In one of our meetings with the amazing team at Peau de loup we talked about songs we had that were specifically about being LGBTQ (I was Married, BWU, I'm Not Your Hero) and so they leaned in on Not Your hero!

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

I’ll try this for my songwriting too! I’ve been struggling with terrible writer’s block lately :/

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I suggest a conversation with AI. Not to get lyrics or ideas so much as to talk about how to unlock yourself. Try it!

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Ooh interesting! Thanks for the tip!

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Love this for you. Ready for those new songs!

I try to have a similar routine (parenting/homeschool version). Waking up before kid, 645am is ideal (she currently sleeps until 9ish) The best mornings are quiet and slow; I make tea, take dogs out, stretch and drink more tea, make my breakfast and prep kid’s breakfast, maybe make coffee… then creative time. All the house stuff and homeschool prep is done the afternoon/ evening the day before. If I deviate from this, I have zero time for creativity or my business and zero time alone 🫠 The transition into summer has been fucking it up a bit. I’ll get back on track though.

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I've heard this a lot from parents. Especially as the kids get older. They get up before their kids because they can't find other times during the day to have ME time and be creative. So this is cool that it works for you!

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

For me it's before I even start creating I have to force myself to do certain things and then I have the right mindset

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Jun 7Liked by Tegan and Sara

Feel all of this! I just read about "slow mornings" and trying to apply it to my life. Thanks for sharing.

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