Good for you, Tegan! I want to do the same but I have FOMO lol. One of the things I want to keep working on, in 2025. Thanks for creating this space and sharing for as long as you did, we'll see you when we see you! Happy new year to you and yours ❤️

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Enjoy the break Tegan! Hope you find this break from all social media rejuvenating. I understand the need to get away from it all and I admire you for actually doing it. Take care and happy 2025!

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Thank you for sharing this Tegan. After a breakdown in November I have found myself starting to think more about what I want. Like Sam says in the Perks of Being A Wallflower “You can’t just sit there and put everybody’s lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love.” All I want is a buddy/ best friend and I am trying to work on that. Within the past few months I have felt a need to be more disconnected from technology and experience things in IRL. This need started coming to the forefront when you guys mentioned your hiatus and talked about parasocial relationships. Also, my coworkers have been on me to stop hiding behind my computer engrossed in my work. I am thankful for guys making me feel like I fit in somewhere when I desperately needed it. Now it’s time to put myself out there more and participate in life.

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Tegan, Sara: This Substack has been a dream and a delight. I felt so happy and lucky to be able to share and connect so directly with you both, your team, the people in your lives and other fellow fans. Thank you for all you have shared within the I Think We're Alone Now project. I hope you end up sharing something sporadically throughout the next year, but whatever happens, have the best year ever in 2025!

Sara said at some point that back in the day there was time to rest and not make art for weeks or months on end, and then inspiration would come and she would be able to write songs really happily. So here's to you both replenishing in all aspects of your life, and to the art that will come at some point!

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Hope you and Sara have a lovely and restful 2025! See y’all on the other side 🥰

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Enjoy your freedom

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Absolutely the right decision : ) Life’s too short to spend it on social media. It’s good to take a step back. I have, and I’ve benefitted hugely from it. My main gain is time and more calmness. I hope you get the same.

Wishing you and everyone you care about a peaceful and fulfilling New Year. xx

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I can hear the Rain alright ;) I love you guys and want you to take good care of yourselves and do whatever the heck you want. You are infinitely more than your output! Happy 2025

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Happy New Year to you, Sara, and everyone here! ❤️❤️❤️

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Tegan, thanks for the post. Your accomplishments have kept you and Sara crazy busy the last few years. I’ve enjoyed all that you’ve shared with us. Happy New Year to both of you. I hope that 2025 brings you the peace, rest, fulfillment and joy you’re looking for.

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I get that ❤️ Here's to 2025 and making it a year to thrive ✌🏻 See you on the other side. Enjoy your well-deserved break away, Tegan ❤️

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Thank you so much, Tegan

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Take as long as you need Tegan. Don’t feel you have to post anything at all. A complete break sounds wonderful. I’m rarely on social media nowadays. I mainly use it to keep in contact with family and close friends. I’ll miss you but personally I think a total break for you will be the best thing. You can concentrate on just living. Love and support always. Happy 2025 lovelies! 💜💜💜💜

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Ope. This one really spoke to me. First about growing older and re-prioritizing what matters. My focus really changed when I turned 40 two years ago. The years go faster and faster and there are less and less ahead. The other is about the album cycles. I really miss the 90's with true album cycles. I might only have heard one or two songs before the album came out, and yeah it might have been a dud, but at least I got to be excited about it up to it's release. Now with half the album on our phones before it's "released" I very nonplussed on "release day".

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And for the last giveaway item of 2024, Tegan got rid of social media.

(let it burn)

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Just a little line to say I love everything about this. As you've been so significant in my life, i want you to feel like you can truly "stay gone" for lack of a better phrase. If continuing support on a Substack without much action allows you to do so without worrying about income, I'm happy to continue mine. Sending love🫶

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